YPOV: Persuade Your Boss to Send You to an AIChE Conference | AIChE

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YPOV: Persuade Your Boss to Send You to an AIChE Conference


The wealth of information and knowledge that you can gain at an AIChE conference is extraordinary. At every turn, professionals, graduate students, and undergraduates are sharing their ideas and accomplishments with other conference-goers. The week is full of technical sessions, presentations by experts in many sectors of chemical engineering, and networking events. That being said, you may be wondering what exactly you could gain by attending or how you could finance your trip if you aren’t located near an upcoming conference city. Here are some things to keep in mind when considering attending a conference:

There is something for everyone at an AIChE conference. Look at the technical program on the AIChE website for topics that are relevant to your current role. You can search by day if your availability limits your time at the conference, or by topic area if your goal is to stay current in your field of expertise and your travel is flexible. The numerous divisions and forums, technical entities, committees, and other groups within AIChE are sure to offer a topic or field that aligns with your work.

Don’t be afraid to ask your employer. Just because no one in your department has traveled to a conference in the past few years on the company’s dime doesn’t mean you can’t be the first! Let your employer know that you have...

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