Profile: Reimagining Long-Read DNA Sequencing | AIChE

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Profile: Reimagining Long-Read DNA Sequencing


Jonas Korlach is the Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) of Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) and one of the co-inventors of the company’s Single Molecule, Real-Time (SMRT) Sequencing technology, which drastically improves the accuracy and speed of DNA sequencing.

SMRT Sequencing delivers long read lengths and gives researchers a comprehensive view of genomes, transcriptomes, and epigenomes. It can be applied in almost any research area, including human biomedical research, plant and animal sciences, and microbiology and infectious disease studies. “Our technology is making a significant difference in the lives of researchers,” says Korlach. “We have a culture at PacBio that is focused on making the users and customers successful, helping them attain their research goals. When we hear the enthusiastic responses from the researchers and read their publications, we get excited.”

Korlach, who has been an employee of PacBio since its inception in 2004, is an inventor on 70 issued U.S. patents and an author on more than 75 published scientific studies. In 2013, he was honored by the White House as an Immigrant Innovator “Champion of Change.”

Korlach is originally from Germany. From an early age, he had an...

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