Professor James (Jay) Bailey is renown as one of the most influential and innovative biochemical engineers of modern times. Bailey, who passed away in 2001, studied chemical engineering at Rice Univ. and received a BA in 1966 and a PhD in 1969, both in chemical engineering. Over the course of his career, he held positions at the Univ. of Houston (1971–1980), California Institute of Technology (1981–1992), and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (1992–2001).
The December issue of the AIChE Journal serves as a tribute to Bailey, whose accomplishments helped launch metabolic engineering to the forefront of academic and industrial research today. One of Bailey’s most enduring contributions is the textbook Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals, which he coauthored with David Ollis. Originally published in 1977, the textbook transformed biochemical engineering education and industrial biotechnology.
“Over his 30-year career, Bailey pioneered many new approaches that have become cornerstones of modern metabolic engineering, enzyme engineering,...
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