Jasmine Corbin’s biggest inspiration has always been her mother. “I know a lot of people say that young women need to see more female role models in science, or else they’ll never believe they can do it,” she says. “That was never an issue for me. My mom was my whole world, my biggest role model, and she was a scientist. It never occurred to me that I couldn’t be one, too.”
Kelly Corbin gave birth to her daughter Jasmine at 21 years old. Despite being a young, single mother, she decided to pursue both a full-time job and a graduate degree as a first-generation college student.
Growing up, Jasmine was often her mother’s righthand man. Sometimes, when Kelly couldn’t find a babysitter, Jasmine got to sit in her mother’s laboratory and watch her work toward her PhD in biochemistry.
She progressed quickly from a curious child at a big desk, and soon she was roaming hallways lined with chalkboards, drawing random diagrams and atomic models, and developing her own love of science.
But it soon became difficult to for Kelly to support her family. As a PhD student with a young child, her income simply did not...
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