Emerging Voices: Transition from College to Corporate Life | AIChE

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Emerging Voices: Transition from College to Corporate Life

You have probably heard — or experienced — that looking for a job is a job itself. It is not uncommon to apply for many jobs before getting an interview or two, despite impressive credentials and a thoughtful application.

Once you overcome this initial hurdle and secure a job, you might be surprised by the transition from the classroom to the cubicle. The work you do might not seem at all related to what you studied. Tasks might feel increasingly demanding, as your manager sets shorter deadlines than were typical for college assignments. At this point, you might think no one appreciates the fact that you are fresh out of college. And on top of that, you do not receive feedback on your work — certainly no letter grades. Despite being a brilliant scholar, you begin to worry your colleagues are all smarter than you, sinking your confidence and self-esteem.

This perhaps familiar scenario may leave you wanting to quit. So, what should you do — and not do — next?

Advice for those transitioning from college to corporations...

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