Journal Highlight: Diagnostic Tools for COVID-19 | AIChE

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Journal Highlight: Diagnostic Tools for COVID-19

Journal Highlight

With a lack of effective medical treatments or vaccines for COVID-19, early identification and patient isolation has been the most effective means of disease management to slow the spread of the pandemic. In point-of-care (POC) diagnosis, a test is performed at the time and place of patient care to inform the treatment plan. An effective POC diagnostic tool for COVID-19 could address current diagnostic limitations and improve healthcare and quarantine efforts.

In the Bioengineering & Translational Medicine article “Current Diagnostic Tools for Coronaviruses — from Laboratory Diagnosis to POC Diagnosis for COVID-19” (, Chao-Min Cheng et al. review the current state of COVID-19 diagnostic tools and propose a POC assay that utilizes antibody, protein, and serum cytokine detection for accurate and versatile diagnosis.

Current laboratory diagnostic tools. One of the most significant challenges for clinicians has been distinguishing COVID-19 from other acute respiratory tract infections because of its wide range of symptoms. Currently, the gold-standard approach is real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR), which detects the presence of viral ribonucleic acid (RNA) from respiratory...

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