Special Section on Food Engineering: Improving Safety and Sustainability in the Food Industry | AIChE

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Special Section on Food Engineering: Improving Safety and Sustainability in the Food Industry

How a product will taste and its nutritional value are arguably some of the top priorities in the food industry, in addition to food safety and sustainability. Process safety is another crucial priority to consider, especially since the food industry is no stranger to incident. Several major accidents have occurred in food facilities over the years, including the 1992 Senegal ammonia incident at a peanut processing facility, the 2008 Imperial Sugar refinery explosion, and the 2021 Georgia poultry plant nitrogen release, to name a few. Many opportunities exist to improve process safety and prevent incidents in the food industry.

This special section discusses emerging technologies in food engineering and strategies to improve sustainability, in addition to process safety in the food industry. Inspired by the 5th Food Innovation and Engineering (FOODIE) conference that took place in 2022, the articles in this special section highlight the work of companies that are improving safety and sustainability in the food industry.

In the first article, “Apply Process Safety Principles to Food Processing” (pp. 31–35), author Edward Gaither describes how process safety concepts like inherently safer design (ISD) can be...

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