Books: September 2024 | AIChE

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Books: September 2024

Lignin Chemistry: Characterization, Isolation, and Valorization

Yuhe Liao, Bert F. Sels, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, $230, 496 pages, Sept. 2024, ISBN: 978-3527351077

 Characterization, Isolation, and Valorization

As chemists and chemical engineers continue working to make systems more sustainable, the need to substitute fossil fuels with renewable feedstocks is a growing priority. Lignin, which is the only widely occurring, renewable, aromatic biopolymer in nature, is one such sustainable material. This book characterizes lignin and discusses current methods of processing and valorization.

Mathematical Modeling of Complex Reaction Systems in the Oil and Gas Industry

Jorge Ancheyta, Andrey Zagoruiko, Andrey Elyshev, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, $180, 480 pages, July 2024, ISBN: 978-1394220021

Mathematical Modeling of Complex Reaction Systems in the Oil and Gas Industry

The ability to create reliable and accurate models of reaction systems in the petrochemicals industry has become an increasingly crucial element of successful process development due to the industry’s constantly evolving...

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