Conduct of Operations | AIChE

Conduct of Operations


Garland, R. W., Eastman Chemical Company


Moncalvo, D., Braunschweiger Flammenfilter GmbH

Conduct of operations, or operational discipline, is the execution of operational or management tasks in a structured manner. Procedure compliance, adherence to approved operating limits, emergency shutdown authority, stop work authority, and other activities are all critical attributes of process safety. Other critical attributes and activities in process safety programs, e.g., fitness for duty, fatigue management, formal shift turnover, etc. are also part of Conduct of Operations. These attributes extend or supplemental the classic elements of process safety programs. This element of process safety/RBPS is very sensitive to the prevailing process safety culture. This session invites speakers to describe the principles and features of the management systems that support Conduct of Operations, the influence of culture on the attributes of Conduct of Operations, as well as examples of programs to improve it and metrics to monitor it.



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