Have you ever wondered how people manage to think up ideas that transform our world? Maybe some of you have wondered this or have in fact been the originators of some great ideas. Steven Johnson's latest book is entitled Where Good Ideas Come From and will be released on October 5, 2010. It's a history of ideas but also serves as a practical guide for applying innovation to everyday life, whether in the office or at home. Are you an early adopter? Well, if you are Steven's got a special of sorts as explained on his blog:
And so, as a special reward for early purchasers of the book, I'm going to do an exclusive "webinar" -- which will basically be an audio lecture -- on the tools and techniques that bring innovation into the conference room and the living room and the coffee shop: everything from inventive new work arrangements to the latest web tools for sharing and collaborating on new ideas. It should be a lot of fun.
If you'd like to participate in this, you can complete the form on Steven Johnson's blog. In the meantime, watch the video (to the right) that explains a bit about his book.