AIChE #GivingTuesday- Women in Chemical Engineering
The AIChE Foundation asks you to support our Annual Fund on November 27, 2018 for the #GivingTuesday Challenge.
On November 27, your generous support is crucial to help advance the chemical engineering profession. One of the ways AIChE achieves this goal is through its women's initiatives and the championship of diversity and inclusion in the field. Your gift will subsidize a range of programs that include scholarships, travel grants, support for students, young professionals, women, and underrepresented minority chemical engineers; K-12 outreach initiatives. Learn more.
What Exactly is #GivingTuesday?
#GivingTuesday is a day dedicated to giving back. Established in 2012, it is observed on the Tuesday immediately following the Black Friday and Cyber Monday consumer holidays, as a way to shift the public’s focus from spending to giving. Learn more.
Donate & Tell Everyone about the #GivingTuesday Challenge
The AIChE Foundation would love your support in the form of a donation today, however large or small. Regardless of whether you're able to give, help show your support by sharing this page on Twitter, Facebook and all of your favorite social media channels. Spread the word! #AIChEGiving #WomenInChemicalEngineering #AllforGood
You can copy and paste the language below:
“Join AIChE #GivingTuesday: Women In Chemical Engineering on November 27. www.aiche.org/givingtuesday”