Minority Affairs Community Fund (MAC)

Minority Affairs Committee (MAC)

Support diversity in AIChE, the profession, and society at large. Your gift, at any level, will help MAC continue the leadership they provide in new priority initiatives that support: 

  • Revival of the Minority Faculty Forum
  • Scholarships for freshmen and upperclassmen, including 3 new scholarships sponsored by MAC and WIC (Women’s Initiative Committee)
  • MAC Archive project
  • Resources for young professionals

The Minority Affairs Committee (MAC) promotes activities that will encourage the education and training of minorities in engineering and related disciplines, through the development and enhancement of student scholarship and mentoring programs. Voluntary contributions given to AIChE's Minority Programs help support existing and upcoming MAC projects, awards and scholarship programs, such as:

  • Award for Outstanding Scholastic Achievement
  • Distinguished Service Award
  • Minority Scholarship Awards for College Students
  • Minority Scholarship Awards for Incoming College Freshmen
  • William H. Grime Award for Excellence in Chemical Engineering

Support the Program

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For more information about the program and ways to give, please contact Paola Reynoso, Development & Donor Relations Specialist.

Go to Minority Affairs Committee.