2022 First Round Annual Fund Grants Awarded
The AIChE® Foundation is delighted to announce the five projects awarded grant funding for the 2022 first funding cycle. Bi-annually, the AIChE Foundation invites Operating Councils and Board Committees to submit grant proposals for innovative projects that will bolster the Foundation’s Doing a World of Good campaign’s priorities in advancing the chemical engineering profession.
We are deeply grateful to our devoted Annual Fund donors for their sustained generosity, which enables the AIChE Foundation Board of Trustees to fund these projects.
The next funding cycle is open with a deadline of May 17, 2022. If you have any questions regarding the grant funding process, please contact giving@aiche.org.2022 First Round Grant summaries:
DORIC: Programming on "Accessible and Inclusive Safety Policies and Practices"
Special programming and related activities focusing on accessible and inclusive safety policies and practices in the chemical industry at the 2022 Spring Meeting to raise awareness for the DORIC community.
K-12 Comics Curriculum
Create a series of comic books to explain how chemical engineering is present everyday activities and hobbies to help K-12 better understand the impact of chemical engineering in their lives and in hopes they become more interested in the field.
K-12 STEM Ambassador Mini-Grants
Provide financial support to members of the AIChE K-12 Community to enable outreach activities based on AIChE’s STEM modules for K-12 students throughout the country.
LGBTQ+ & Allies Programming and Networking Events
Create and support networking among LGBTQ+ & allies employee resource groups at the 2022 Annual Meeting, inclusion training at the Annual Student Conference, and IDEAL Ally programming.
Building a Broader MAC Community by Fostering Future Leadership
Develop a MAC Scholars and Future leaders Cohort Program. Career development opportunities will be provided to selected students from traditionally underrepresented groups throughout the year, culminating in programming at the 2022 Annual Meeting.
Join us in supporting a volunteer-led project!