Esohe Fawole
Accept the Challenge and Send a Teacher to Summer School
For nearly a century, chemical engineering faculty have convened an immersive conference, The Summer School for Chemical Engineering Faculty. In 2022, an endowment was launched to ensure this conference would continue for at least another 100 years.
Now an anonymous donor has offered to match the first $10,000 donated by New Year’s Eve 2022. More than $7,000 has been raised and yet, there’s still time for you to make an extraordinary gift that will send a teacher to summer school.
Watching attendees share their teaching strategies and passions was both informative and inspiring. I can't wait to reconnect with everyone again! — Esohe Fawole, UC Davis
First-time attendee Esohe Fawole, UC Davis, shared, “Summer school exceeded my expectations in every way! Every person, and I literally mean everyone, took time out of their day to answer questions I had and offer guidance regarding my future in teaching. Watching attendees share their teaching strategies and passions was both informative and inspiring. I can't wait to reconnect with everyone again!”
A co-branded activity between AIChE’s Education Division and ASEE’s Chemical Engineering Division, this transformative partnership strengthens both associations, enhances faculty development, increases student success, and positively advances the profession. Your investment in early-career faculty will better their teaching skills and enhance their ability to educate the next generation of chemical engineers.
Accept the challenge to send a teacher to summer with an extraordinary gift to the endowment.