FOSSI scholars Jaden, Jala, and Courtney
FOSSI Hits HBCU Campus
On January 18th, the FOSSI Team made its first on-campus visit to Howard University for a lunch and networking session with the 42 FOSSI scholars currently enrolled there.
Before FOSSI, I was not aware of the demand for chemistry degrees or the many potential career paths. Meeting and connecting with other FOSSI scholars and sponsors at Howard was a great experience and I can’t wait for the next opportunity! — Cheyenne Henry, FOSSI Scholar, Howard University
Many of the scholars met each other for the first time, in addition to members of 15 FOSSI partner companies, who came from all over the U.S. (and Canada!) to attend the event.
During lunch, guests heard remarks from FOSSI Chair Mark Vergnano and Dr. Kimberly Wise White, Vice President, Regulatory & Scientific Affairs at the American Chemistry Council.
Dr. White spoke of her experience as a triple HBCU graduate of Texas Southern University, and how excited she is to work with the FOSSI program. “I have loved science for as long as I can remember and am so inspired by the immense talent and diversity of the FOSSI scholars, and the dedication of the chemical industry in supporting the next generation of STEM leaders.”
Vergnano noted that “the relationships forged between scholars and sponsors will help provide real-world training and leadership skills to ensure the students’ success in their college years and beyond.” He advised FOSSI scholars to “meet as many sponsors as possible, share your interests, and follow-up” and advised sponsors to “take full advantage of having so many outstanding students in one room.”
The FOSSI Team is looking forward to eventually visiting all 38 HBCUs where scholars are enrolled.