E. Dennis Griffith

I am a Fellow of AIChE and a Senior Project Manager at Granherne, KBR's front end consulting affiliate. Much of my professional work is evaluation of economic viability of projects during their concept development phases including developing high level and detailed cost estimates and performing financial analyses. My work also includes developing, monitoring, and reporting project budgets. I have a BSChE from The University of Texas at Austin and an MSChE from the University of Michigan.
My AIChE volunteer activities have included serving on the Board of Directors and as the Chair and Treasurer of the Fuels and Petrochemicals Division and the South Texas Section. I also have been a member of the Center for Energy Initiatives Executive Committee, the Chair of the National Program Committee along with being the Meeting Program Chair, Co-Meeting Program Chair, and General Arrangements Chair for multiple Spring Meetings. I am currently a member of the Public Affairs and Information Committee and the Societal Impact Operating Council, a Trustee for the AIChE Foundation, and the AIChE representative to the Professional Licensure Working Group of the American Association of Engineering Societies.
In the South Texas Section, I have served as an Executive Committee Member, Treasurer, and as the 1996 Section Chair. During my term as the STS Chair, I championed a revision of the Section's Bylaws which changed the terms of all STS Executive Committee members except Chair to staggered two year terms which increased section continuity and operating efficiency. I also initiated establishment of the STS-AIChE website, and I revived and continue to organize the Section's annual Houston Ship Channel trip. I received the STS-AIChE Outstanding Young Member in 1979 and the STS-AIChE Distinguished Service Awards in 2001 in recognition of my contributions to the STS-AIChE and AIChE.
Outside of AIChE, I have held positions of leadership and financial responsibility in non-profits and government including serving on the on the City Council of Spring Valley Village, Texas. As a concerned citizen, I have contributed my time and expertise in addressing air quality issues in the Greater Houston area.