Stanley I. Proctor*

"I have always believed that a true professional has many responsibilities-and that among them is the need to support those organizations that have influenced his/her professional career. "Stan Proctor has more than exemplified his professionalism through his generous volunteer service to AIChE for over 50 years.
Stan first got involved in AIChE as Chair of the Career Guidance Committee for the St. Louis Local Section. While at a national AIChE conference in 1973, Stan attended a meeting of the National Career Guidance Committee. His enthusiasm was noticed immediately and he was encouraged by a fellow member and colleague, Gerry Lessells, to join the committee and participate in AIChE on a national level. "Indeed, as I recall, he gave me an assignment. I accepted and, as they say, the rest is history."
Stan went onto serve in numerous leadership positions within AIChE over the years, including service on over 20 different national committees, divisions, operating councils, advisory boards, and technical groups. Additionally, Stan served as Chair of the AIChE Foundation Board of Trustees in 1998-2000 and President of the Institute in 1987. Stan is also the recipient of 8 AIChE Honors and Awards, including the F. J. & Dorothy Van Antwerpen Award in 1993 and the Founders Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Field of Chemical Engineering in 1989, as well as the publisher and/or presenter of over 25 AIChE-associated papers or presentations.
When Stan first began contemplating his estate planning, AIChE was at the top of his list of organizations to which he wanted to contribute. "I have also worked with other professional organizations, but AIChE has been my 'first love'". Stan has met many good friends and experienced many moments throughout his involvement in AIChE that have nurtured his professional growth and helped shape the path of his life."There were many people at AIChE who helped me, supported me and served as great role models. In particular, I would like to mention Hal Kemp. I knew him in his work at DuPont and he preceded me as President of the Institute. In my opinion, he exemplified what it means to be a professional."
Additionally, for Stan, it was the personal support of his late wife, Carol, who played a major role through the years in fortifying his commitment to AIChE and his eventual decision to make a long-term gift. "The trigger for making such a gift was the AIChE Foundation's 21st Century Campaign. The driver was to support my professional society that has meant so much to me over my professional career. It is my opinion, and in my case it is a fact, that all the effort you expend to support your professional society is repaid many fold. The more you put in the more you get back."
When asked what words or phrases came to mind when thinking of AIChE, Stan replied: "Professionalism, support, friends and colleagues, work, fun, reward, pain and pleasure, my society, the voice of the chemical engineering profession."
There's no doubt that Stan's philanthropic leadership will help to secure the voice of the next generation of chemical engineers and his legacy will have a lasting impact on the Institute's well-being.