Thomas O. Mensah

Dr. Tom Mensah is one of the four original inventors and innovators of Fiber Optics Technology in the United States. He holds 7 US Patents all awarded in six years.
His innovations were critical to the replacement of Copper Media with the more efficient Fiber Optics media, with greater bandwidth that supports a more robust and faster modern day Internet. This innovation allows faster transmission of facebook pictures, tweets, emails, data and voice on the worldwide web and smartphones.
In one of his patents he used his understanding of boundary layer theory to design a high speed draw and coating manufacturing system that eliminated bubbles and defects in optical fibers. These ultra strong fibers are used in submarine and undersea cables that connect continents and countries, thereby extending the global reach and connectivity of the Internet. Dr. Mensah worked at both Corning Glass Works Inc, and AT&T Bell Laboratories. At Bell Laboratories he led a team that demonstrated the Fiber Optic Guided Missile System and holds three patents on the Technology.
Dr. Mensah is founder and chairman of Georgia Aerospace Corporation, which is involved in Advanced Composite Materials manufacturing for Defense, Aerospace and other applications. The Company manufactures nanocomposites for use in advanced weapon systems like unmanned aerial vehicles, F-35 Stealth Fighter, etc. Dr. Tom Mensah is a Fellow of AIChE and Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA. Tom was named AIChE 100 in 2008. Dr. Mensah has served as Chairman of MESD Division, Member of the Board of Directors of AIChE, Member of the MIT visiting Committee in Chemical Engineering, etc. He is currently a Director of the Nanoscale Engineering Forum, Founding Co-Chairman of the MAC Eminent Engineers Forum, and a Trustee æof the AIChE Foundation.
He has served as Editor of two books, Fiber Optics Engineering and Superconductor Engineering for AIChE, and currently serves asæthe LeadæEditor of the Book; Frontiers of Nanotechnology, Commercialization of Products and Processes to be published by AIChE-Wiley.