Unconscious Bias

What is Unconscious Bias?

  • Unintentional and unconscious use of stereotypic beliefs to perceive and evaluate an individual or group of people which can also affect what we understand, our decisions, and our behavior toward others
  • Difficult to control
  • Activated involuntarily and without awareness or intentional control
  • Can be just as damaging as conscious bias and it tends to be more prevalent

In 2019, AIChE, along with sister engineering societies*, received a generous grant from the United Engineering Fund (UEF), to create an extensive training program to support diversity, inclusion and equal opportunity in the diverse engineering disciplines by training the trainers on Unconscious Bias. 


Use our resources to help train your trainers via workshop and webex content.

Unconscious Bias "Train the Trainer" Presentations

Module 1 Defining Unconscious Bias

  • Why this is important to the Engineering Profession; review of statistics and demographics

  • Define key Diversity & Inclusion terms

  • Understanding Unconscious Bias


Module 2 Recognizing Implicit Bias in the Science and Engineering Workplace

  • Define forms of Unconscious Bias

  • Recognize bias in academia and industry

  • Review examples of unconscious bias on behaviors, decision making, social interactions

  • Discuss scenarios in academic and organizational cultures


Module 3 Interupting Bias

  • Key settings where the manifestation of bias negatively impacts underrepresented groups: STEM/Engineering specific scenarios

    • Hiring/Interviewing

    • Awarding of Projects, Assignments or Promotions

  • Learn tools and strategies for mitigating bias in these settings

Webex Presentations

Webex One: List of courses and their SME's that can be repurposed for eLearning course

Webex Two: Potential courses that fit curriculum

Webex Three: Identify gaps in curriculum 

AIChE Contacts

Cathy Diana, Chief of Administration and Foundation, cathd@aiche.org