An Introduction to Large-Scale Energy Production | AIChE

An Introduction to Large-Scale Energy Production


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Nearly everything around us was created using energy intensive processes. This course is designed to understand the basics of energy processes that are used for electricity generation, transportation, and industrial applications. The course is broken into twelve modules. Topics include an introduction to

energy; basics of greenhouse gas emissions and climate change; pollutant emissions; power cycles; combustion fundamentals; nonrenewable sources including fossil and nuclear; and renewable sources including wind, solar, hydro, and geothermal.

Throughout the course, participants will learn basic physical principles that energy technologies are built on, the most important technologies in use, global and U.S. utilization of different energy processes (including trends over time), and key issues (including economic, social, and environmental).

Participants will be introduced to the world energy landscape, including, energy utilization sectors, key energy units, and basic concepts, such as availability, capacity, and efficiency. Changes in energy technologies are

driven by global climate change brought about by greenhouse gas emissions. Participants will learn about climate change and its primary drivers. The current scale of world energy production is emphasized. The large majority of global energy is produced using nonrenewable fossil sources, usually produced by combustion. Students will learn fundamentals of combustion, along with key combustion technologies including coal and natural gas. Participants will learn about renewable energy sources in separate modules, along with challenges that need to be overcome for these technologies to have a more impactful role in future energy production.

  • Participants will understand global and national forms of energy production and utilization.
  • Participants will know and be able to apply key energy concepts including units, capacity, availability, and efficiency.
  • Participants will understand key economic, social, and environmental issues relating to key energy technologies.
  • Participants will learn the importance of emissions, including greenhouse gas emissions, on the push for more renewable energy sources, and more efficient energy sources.
  • Participants will understand the scale of our current energy infrastructure, and what would be needed to make significant changes to that infrastructure.
  • Participants will understand key physical processes underlying energy production processes.
  • Participants will be able to identify the equipment and processes used in energy production, including those for combustion of coal and natural gas, wind, solar, hydropower, geothermal, and nuclear.

Undergraduate students in Chemical Engineerings, and working engineers learning basics of energy production.

  1. Energy Landscape, Overview
  2. Climate
  3. Emissions
  4. Power Cycles
  5. Combustion Fundamentals
  6. Coal
  7. Natural Gas
  8. Nuclear
  9. Wind
  10. Solar
  11. Hydroelecrtric
  12. Geothermal
  13. Quiz

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  • Course ID:
  • Source:
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  • Skill Level:
  • Duration:
    4 hours
  • CEUs:
  • PDHs:
  • Accrediting Agencies:
    New Jersey
    New York