Engaging Government 101 | AIChE

Engaging Government 101

If your job involves communicating scientific-supported viewpoints to regulatory and legislative bodies and decision-makers, tune into this webinar. It’s packed with best practices for engaging government entities that are specifically designed for those with chemical engineering backgrounds.

Join this session for a basic introduction to communication skills that will ensure you get your scientific/engineering viewpoints across in ways that anyone can understand. In one informative hour, you’ll examine strategies for engaging government decision-makers and how to apply them to become more influential. You’ll learn how to strategically craft concise and clean communications that get your key messages across quickly, effectively and efficiently.  In addition, you’ll discover how to customize your communications to meet the unique needs and interests of your audience.

Communication is the cornerstone of effective government engagement. But it’s not easy. By attending this webinar, you’ll gain the tools you need to make sure you get it right. 

You’ll learn:

  • What chemical engineers need to know about engaging government entities
  • Best practices for communicating scientific/engineering principles
  • Challenges that get in the way of clear communication and how to overcome them
  • Tips for customizing your communications to make them immediately more impactful   

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  • Duration:
    1 hour
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