Americo Carvalho Neto | AIChE

Americo Carvalho Neto

Citation name

Carvalho Neto, A. Sr.







CEO and consultant at RSE Consultoria; Electrical Engineer, Economic Engineering and Safety Engineer; Master in Human Reliability and Prevention of Operational and Business Losses; More than 35 years of experience in HSE leadership at companies such as Union Carbide, DuPont, Dow Chemical and Braskem; CCPS FELLOW and Emeritus member (USA); Postgraduate Risk Management Professor at the Federal University of Bahia; Coordinator of the Postgraduate Course in Process Safety (PSM) based on RBPS system recognized by MEC Organized by RSE Consultoria and Jardins University; Coordinator of the Responsible Care Committee at ABIQUIM (Brazil) for 5 years; Standards revision member: ISO 31000, API 754; Co-Author of International Guidelines by CCPS (Process Safety Metrics, Engineering Design for Process Safety, Bow tie); Chair-Man of CCPS Project 261, CCPS Guidelines translation into Portuguese.

Sessions chaired or co-chaired

Food and Biotechnology Industry I9th Latin American Conference on Process Safety


(55l) LOPA and Sil Risk Analysis As Critical Tools for PSM Culture and Accidents Prevention
2019 Spring Meeting and 15th Global Congress on Process Safety (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1109-7)
(132b) HIRA in Minning Companies Is Necessary and a Big Challenge.
2021 AIChE Virtual Spring Meeting and 17th Global Congress on Process Safety (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1115-8)
(117v) Systematic Approach to Process Safety Management on ROAD LPG Transportation and Distribution
2021 AIChE Virtual Spring Meeting and 17th Global Congress on Process Safety (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1115-8)
Effective PSM Integrated Implementation Strategy and Governance2023 Spring Meeting and 19th Global Congress on Process Safety

Associated proceedings 

2019 Spring Meeting and 15th Global Congress on Process Safety
2021 AIChE Virtual Spring Meeting and 17th Global Congress on Process Safety
9th Latin American Conference on Process Safety
2023 Spring Meeting and 19th Global Congress on Process Safety