Career Corner: Volunteering is Good for Your Career | AIChE

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Career Corner: Volunteering is Good for Your Career

“Give and you shall receive.” This powerful proverb can help you build a fulfilling career when your giving takes the form of volunteering.

I learned the value of volunteering early in my first year as a management consultant, when I joined the local chapter of the Institute of Management Consultants (IMC). At the second IMC meeting I attended, the chapter president invited me to join the board to run publicity and marketing. My volunteering for the board over the next several years helped the chapter host programs that attracted more members, and it enabled me to learn from senior consultants and sharpen my expertise in media relations and project management. It also helped me build a practice niche in professional services marketing.

We feel good when we help others through our volunteer work. Whether you choose to assist an industry association connected to your career interests, as I did, or work with a nonprofit whose cause you are passionate about, volunteering can impact your career in a variety of ways.

Develop your skills. Volunteering provides you with opportunities to build your current skills and learn new ones. For instance, you may find that working with your town’s volunteer ambulance squad has taught you to remain calm under pressure — a useful ability if you are working in a fast-paced environment, such as operations. Or you...

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