New Products: February 2016 | AIChE

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New Products: February 2016

Product Focus: Solids Handling

Centrifuge Classifies Very Small Particles


The Tiocent Model V 630 BK centrifuge is designed for continuous wet classification of fine, ultrafine, and nanoparticles in slurries. Common applications are separations of titatium dioxide (TiO2), zirconium (Zr), aluminum oxide (Al2O3), calcium carbonate (CaCO2), and kaolin suspended in either water or ethylene glycol. The centrifuge offers precise cutoff between particle classifications, with no intermixing of classified particles, as well as custom adjustment of particle cut points. The fully automatic system features low vibration and high reliability. Preassembled piping and wiring simplify installation.


Hopper Accurately Dispenses Bulk Solids


The Powder-Saver hopper container accurately dispenses powders, granules, flakes, and other dry products in measured amounts to prevent waste of material and meet process specifications. The plastic, conical-shaped hopper with a slide-gate valve sits within a square base. The durable, removable base allows the entire container to be lifted by a forklift or lift truck, stacked during transport, and racked for orderly storage and warehousing. The container is a cleaner, easier way to move, store, and dispense dry products than bulk bags, corrugated boxes, or flexible intermediate bulk containers. The hopper, base, and cover are rotationally molded from waterproof, chemical- and UV-resistant poly-ethylene. It has a capacity of 31 ft3, and the translucent material of construction permits visual monitoring.


Dust Collector Features a Cleanable Filter System


The Quad Pulse Package PX dust collector controls air pollution from processes that produce hazardous dusts in high concentrations, including pharmaceutical and chemical processing. The collector includes a cleanable filter system that facilitates continuous manufacturing processes and eliminates frequent and costly filter replacement. With a compact design, measuring 49 in. wide, 42 in. deep, and 87 in. high, the unit can be positioned on the production floor without the need for long duct runs. Because the segmented cleaning process is performed during operation, the unit requires only a single primary filter cartridge. A second-stage high-efficiency particulate arrestance (HEPA) H14 filter has a 99.995% efficiency and captures the finest, most-harmful dust particles. A bag-in/bag-out (BIBO) system is available for hazardous dusts that require full containment to protect workers and prevent contamination.

Camfil APC

High-Speed Disperser Operates Safely in Hazardous Environments


This high-speed disperser is suitable for incorporating powders into liquids, breaking up agglomerates, and producing fine dispersions. It boasts an explosionproof design that includes a NEMA 7/9 operator panel and grounding system, enabling its use in hazardous environments where flammable vapors, liquids, solids, and/or dusts are present. An explosionproof limit switch locks out the motor if the disperser blade is in the raised position or if a mixing vessel is not in place. A standard sawtooth blade turns at tip speeds of up to 5,000 ft/min, generating a vortex on the liquid surface into which dry ingredients are quickly wetted. Models are available in sizes from 1 hp to 500 hp for batches from 1 g to 5,000 g.

Charles Ross & Son Co.

Materials and Chemicals

Diamond Optical Window Is Inspired by Moth Eyes


These diamond optics offer improved reliability and high power-density levels suitable for the carbon dioxide laser systems used in extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography. The design of Diamond PureOptics is inspired by the anti-reflective structure of a moth’s eye, so the anti-reflective thin film coating typically applied to other diamond optical windows is unnecessary. A transmission window that spans from the ultraviolet (UV) to the radio-frequency (RF) part of the electro-magnetic spectrum scoupled with the hardness and thermal conductivity properties of diamond add up to a robust optics solution.

Element Six

Solvent Is an Environmentally Friendly Alternative to Hexane


KradaSol is a low volatile organic compound (VOC) alternative to slow-evaporating conventional solvents, such as hexane, toluene, xylene, cyclohexane, methyl amyl ketone (MAK), perchloroethylene, and butyl acetate. Its performance characteristics are similar to those of the traditional solvents it is designed to replace, yet it does not contribute to VOC and other toxic pollutant emissions. Because the solvent contains no benzene or hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) and is noncarcinogenic, it does not endanger personnel and workplace safety. The environmentally friendly solvent earned a Clean Air Solvents (CAS) designation, which means (among other criteria) that it contains no more than 25 grams of VOC per liter of material. It is approved for use throughout the U.S. and Canada.

TBF Environmental Technology

Foam Seals Protect Sensitive Electronics


The electrical distribution and control technology of automated industrial processes are contained in switching cabinets. Such enclosures offer some protection to the sensitive electronics, but effective sealing of the cabinets is vital. Fermapor K31 polyurethane foam is a two-component sealing technology that prevents dirt, dust, moisture, and other hazards from penetrating control cabinets and damaging electronics. Formulations are available for indoor and outdoor applications. Some formulations cure in as little as three minutes. Water uptake in the compressed state at room temperature is less than 3% for outdoor foam seals and about 5% for indoor foam seals. The foam generally adheres to control cabinet housings that are made of plastic or are coated with powder paint, but a pretreatment with an adhesion-promoting primer is necessary for stainless steel housings.



Spectrometer Offers Improved Reliability and Operability


This tunable diode laser spectrometer leverages absorption spectroscopy technology to measure gas concentrations in situ. A diode laser scans over a resonant frequency of the target analyte and a photodiode detector receives the emitted light, then the controller translates the light loss into a gas concentration. As the successor to the TDL3200 laser gas analyzer, the TDLS8000 offers improved reliability and operability. The previous model’s push-button interface has been replaced by a 7.5-in. touchscreen display. A newly developed reference cell board improves the reliability of absorption peak detection. The more-compact instrument can be installed in a wider variety of locations. The spectrometer is suitable for applications in the oil, petrochemical, and specialty chemicals industries.


Oxygen Sensor Operates without a Dedicated Sample Line


Sample lines are not always practical in processes that handle hazardous chemicals. The BOS SAFETAP optical oxygen sensor features a retractable measurement element that can be inserted directly into the process pipeline or vessel, eliminating the need for a dedicated sample line. When the sensor is removed, an integral ball valve isolates it without the need to shut down the process. The sensor technology is based on the principles of quenched luminescence measurement: Blue light directed through a fiber optic cable is exposed to a polymeric luminescent coating (luminophore) within the process stream. The light excites the luminophore and emits red light back through the fiber optic cable. The instrument uses the wavelength and amplitude of the light to determine the partial pressure and thus the oxygen concentration of the process.

Barben Analytical

Power Supplies Boast Higher Efficiency and Smaller Size

The PS5R-V power supplies deliver high efficiency in a compact design at a competitive price. The newest version includes updated features and specifications to meet user needs. The 25% smaller size combined with DIN-rail mounting frees up valuable control panel space and reduces installation costs. The operating temperature range has been extended to –25°C to 75°C, enabling installations in control panels without the need for air conditioning or other cooling devices. Operating efficiencies have been improved by as much as 16% over earlier models. The versatile and flexible design can be installed in any of six different orientations. The line includes 10-W, 15-W, 30-W, 60-W, and 120-W versions that are suitable for hazardous location applications, such as those found in oil and gas processing and petrochemical facilities.



Engineering Services

Testing Laboratory Ensures Materials Meet Fire Codes


One of the most dangerous aspects of a fire is the toxic gases that can arise from combustion of materials. To determine whether products meet the performance criteria specified by various testing standards and regulatory codes, the Fire Technology Laboratory in Ludwigshafen, Germany, conducts fire testing on materials to assess their flammability and fire behavior. During testing, a small specimen of the material is ignited in a chamber and the gases produced are collected by a heated sampling system. Toxicity analysis of these gases is then performed with an advanced Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) gas analyzer. Those focused on product development can use this service to help determine whether a product is ready for production on a commercial scale.


Cell Engineering Service Develops Custom Cell Lines


This suite of cell engineering services generates custom mammalian cell lines for research applications. Cell lines developed using the service are appropriate for the expression of novel proteins as well as a variety of functional studies, including cell-based assays for screening chemical compounds. Staff collaborate with clients and partners to provide expert insight and develop innovative strategies that leverage advanced technologies. Unique to this service is the Archetype software, which includes extensive genomic databases, proprietary algorithms, and bioinformatics toolsets to aid design. To ensure reliable data, cell lines developed by the service provider are verified by sequencing and further validated upon customer request to alleviate challenges, such as variable protein expression, low product yields, and protein instability.


Software & Information Technology

App Puts Hearing Safety Information In Your Hands


Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) affects approximately 22 million U.S. workers and costs $242 million annually in workers’ compensation claims, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The Howard Leight Hearing Conservation Toolbox mobile application for iPad addresses the needs of safety mangers, offering an accessible resource of interactive tools and educational materials that support workplace hearing safety programs. The app includes the latest information on the risks of occupational noise and hearing conservation program best practices, as well as practical instruction on the testing, selection, fitting, and use of hearing protection. It disseminates hearing safety information through a variety of tools, including checklists, informative articles, educational videos, illustrations, and infographics. The app is free to download from iTunes.


Platform Enables Mobile Plant Management


Comos Mobile Solutions supports globally networked collaboration in the process industries along the entire value chain. Users are able to access and edit up-to-date plant data, information, and documentation at any time and anywhere. Version 2.0 improves mobile information management and facilitates cooperation among departments and specialist disciplines. The new graphical user interface for touch-capable terminals features links for quickly navigating to relevant plant information and the ability to view documents and submit project-related inquiries quickly. External PDFs can be uploaded to tablets and revisions to those PDFs can be tracked. Used in conjunction with the document check-out and check-in functionalities, users can ensure a secure, consistent document review and approval process.


Project Engineering Environment Manages Complexity


As project complexity increases with the addition of multiple contractors and stakeholders, Project Data Link helps to keep projects on schedule by efficiently and consistently translating project information, including tag databases and instrument indices, from multiple sources into project deliverables. This project-engineering environment mitigates project risk by normalizing specifications into a single data source with a standard format that is traceable and integrated with change-management systems. It gives suppliers, engineering firms, and other stakeholders access to project information, including specifications related to field devices and the distributed control system. When a change is initiated, the software automatically reconciles it against the information in the system, identifies necessary changes, automatically sends updates to the distributed control system, and provides an audit trail of the changes — saving time and eliminating errors during critical project stages.

Emerson Process Management

Software Expands Vessel and Heat Exchanger Analysis Capabilities


PV Elite 2016 is a complete solution for vessel and heat exchanger design, analysis, and evaluation that is suitable for engineers, designers, estimators, fabricators, and inspectors. The new version offers numerous productivity enhancements. Nozzle input calculation time is reduced from one hour to minutes. Flanges on nozzles can be connected more easily. Element edges are displayed, which makes it easier to see if a nozzle is placed too close to a weld seam. Users can create a PV Elite model and then import the file into the SmartPlant Review environment, minimizing duplicate efforts. The software also includes enhancements to output generation, reporting, configuration, documentation, and graphics.




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