Books: August 2017 | AIChE

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Books: August 2017


Reaching Your Next Summit! 9 Vertical Lessons for Leading with Impact

Manley Feinberg II, Indie Books International, Oceanside, CA, $30, 276 pages, Sept. 2016, ISBN: 978-1-941-87068-6


When asked why he climbs, the author explains he does it to face challenges, which he says “engage us at a deeper level and bring out our very best.” As a climber, business leader, and speaker, physical mountains are not the only challenges he faces. He also encounters the same daily issues we all deal with in work and life. He draws on his experiences to provide nine lessons for leadership and success from the vertical — what he dubs “the realm in climbing where you have left behind the comfort and security of your day-to-day horizontal existence.”

The book is intended for those looking to overcome complacency and succeed by finding more focus, courage, commitment, and momentum. Nine lessons bridge the worlds of climbing and business, explaining how to reach the summit, i.e., handle challenges and reach goals. Color photographs from the author’s travels and life supplement the advice and enrich the...

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