The path from graduate student to professor is a rewarding but arduous journey that requires advancing through multiple stages of career development. Before you can establish yourself as a leader in academic research, you will need to obtain a faculty position, build an independent research group, and identify important problems to investigate. For chemical engineers interested in academic careers, finding relevant and practical advice on how to begin this process can be challenging.
In their AIChE Journal Perspective article, “Initiating a Research-Focused Academic Career in Chemical Engineering: Perspectives from Faculty at Different Career Stages,” Mark E. Davis (California Institute of Technology) and his coauthors Viktor Cybulskis, Rajamani Gounder, and Sarah Mojarad provide an overview of the general hiring process for tenure-track chemical engineering faculty in the U.S. and offer guidance for effectively navigating this process and launching an academic career. Their article addresses each phase of academic career preparation. The key aspects outlined in the article are based on collective insights that have proven useful to faculty members who formerly trained in the Davis lab at Caltech...
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