At some point in your engineering career, you may face an ethical dilemma. In the moment, you will likely need to consider the following questions:
- Can I identify the issues and analyze the situation?
- Am I prepared to address the problem? What are the key factors that will guide my thinking?
- How well do I understand what could be at stake when making a decision and taking action? What are the future implications of my decision?
- What are the short-term and long-term implications for my career and reputation? How will changes in my reputation affect my future job prospects and career?
While these questions may seem tough to answer, it can be helpful to consider a few ethical dilemmas in advance. By analyzing hypothetical scenarios before the actual situation presents itself, you may better identify the issue and make decisions in the future. Having knowledge of your personal values will also help guide your thinking, so attempting a mental dry run may be useful...
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