AIChE Journal Highlight: Quantum Computing for Chemical Engineering | AIChE

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AIChE Journal Highlight: Quantum Computing for Chemical Engineering

Journal Highlight


Quantum computing refers to the use of quantum mechanical phenomena to process information and perform computation. Recent demonstrations of “quantum advantages” that involve solving complex computational problems orders of magnitude faster than any existing classical computer provide motivation and excitement to adopt quantum computing in many fields, including chemical engineering.

In the AIChE Journal Perspective article, “Perspectives of Quantum Computing for Chemical Engineering,” author Fengqi You (Cornell Univ.) and coauthors review quantum computing and highlight where it can potentially impact chemical engineering the most.

Computational problems in chemical engineering commonly occur in the computational chemistry, optimization, and machine learning domains. Classical computational techniques have several shortcomings that quantum computing can address. For example, classical computational methods for approximating solutions to the electronic Schrödinger equation may require an impractical number of computational resources or suffer from low accuracy for large molecular systems. Optimization problems arising in chemical engineering often belong to the...

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