Earning a living, achieving optimal work-life balance, and cultivating happiness can all depend on finding the right job or career. This article explores what it means to forge a career path and offers advice from seasoned engineers.
Career beginnings. Finding that first job out of college is no easy feat. If you are an undergraduate student, it can be valuable to attend your university’s career fairs. C. Thomas Sciance, a retired Adjunct Professor at the Univ. of Texas, notes, “when I graduated, there were many companies signed up with the school wanting to interview students. The interview might result in an invitation to visit the sites, and the result would usually be an offer.”
Gary April, a retired professor from the Univ. of Alabama, suggests that there is no wrong first job. “The real question might be ‘how do I make my first job a learning experience?’” he says. In the first position you accept, find ways to cultivate a learning environment. “You will be able to better assess your future from a much wider base of knowledge after the first job. Make the most of it,” says April...
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