Life Cycle Thinking for Sustainability-Informed Decision Making | AIChE

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Life Cycle Thinking for Sustainability-Informed Decision Making

Special Section

Growing emphasis on sustainable product design has clear benefits for our planet, but such designs are only possible if engineers have accurate environmental impact information to support their decision-making processes.

In recent years, discussions about sustainability have become ubiquitous. Environmental considerations now permeate nearly all aspects of personal and professional life, from lifestyle changes at home to sustainability measures rolling out in corporations. This growing emphasis on sustainable products and practices is great news for our planet, but only if key decision-makers have access to accurate, useful data and approaches for assessing environmental impacts holistically. Importantly, these key decision-makers are everywhere — and only a small minority have sustainability as part of their job description. The entire cascade of design, engineering, and product-use decisions (including many seemingly innocuous choices) combine to determine a product’s environmental impact....

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