Business Update: June 2024 | AIChE

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Business Update: June 2024

Business Update

Encina’s Pennsylvania plans on hold

Encina wants to feed mixed plastic waste into a fluidized bed cracker to produce a large fraction of aromatics (specifically benzene, toluene, and xylene) and propylene. They announced plans to build their first site in Pennsylvania about two years ago, and things have been inching along since then. Unfortunately for Encina, the Northumberland township voted against building this site based on environmental concerns, so Encina is going to shift its focus elsewhere.

Origin’s cap business

Origin Material caps

If you don’t look closely, Origin Materials could appear solely focused on its carbon-negative polyethylene terephthalate (PET) product. But a better model for Origin, or for any chemical company, is to think of what they do at two levels: at the first level, they develop a core technology, and at the second level, they develop channels to market for everything that comes out of that core technology. PET is closer to the end of the channel than the output of their core technology (the conversion of lignocellulose...

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