Institute News: October 2024 | AIChE

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Institute News: October 2024

AIChE and IChemE Working to Strengthen the STEM Talent Pool

The American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) and the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) — two professional societies dedicated to advancing the application of chemical engineering expertise internationally — have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to further collaboration for the benefit of chemical and process engineering and society as a whole. During 2024, this includes working together on activities designed to build a stronger worldwide STEM (science, technology engineering, and mathematics) workforce. This is a response to an emerging need to add more people — in particular, more chemical engineers — to the STEM professions, a move that is crucial to addressing global challenges such as industries’ transition to net zero and the securing of sustainable food and water supplies.

The MoU was signed in June 2024 by Alan E. Nelson, AIChE’s 2024 President and Vice President of Technology – New Energy at SLB; and Nigel Hirst, 2023-2024 President of IChemE, during a meeting of AIChE and IChemE trustees held in London, U.K.

In their effort to promote STEM skills and encourage more people to consider careers related to chemical and process engineering, AIChE and IChemE will work together to:

  • Establish an archive of free online resources ...

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