Books: February 2025 | AIChE

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Books: February 2025


Story of Methane: Five Atoms that Changed the World

Geoffrey A. Ozin, Jessica Ye, Royal Society of Chemistry, London, U.K., $111, 132 pages, December 2024, ISBN: 978-1837671014

Story of Methane: Five Atoms that Changed the World

Methane, one of the most abundant greenhouse gases and the primary constituent of natural gas, has been known for decades to contribute to global warming. This book describes how methane’s effects can be contradictory and explains how it might be repurposed to play a constructive role in a sustainable future. While its current usage contributes to climate change, this book discusses ways of transforming methane into a clean fuel or hydrogen carrier to replace fossil fuels.

Safety Valves in Oil and Gas Plants: Essential Design Considerations

Karan Sotoodeh, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, $165, 272 pages, December 2024, ISBN: 978-1394294916

Safety Valves in Oil and Gas Plants: Essential Design Considerations

Safety valves are essential for minimizing the risk of fluid leaks, explosions, and other incidents in oil and gas plants. This book outlines how to design, inspect, and maintain safety valves, as well as what process safety codes and standards must be followed when designing and installing systems that use safety valves. Real-world examples are presented in the form of case studies and common industrial challenges. The book also discusses ways of combating human error and equipment failure through smarter designs.

Chemical Engineering Analysis and Optimization Using MATLAB

Weiguo Xie, Sam Toan, Richard Davis, Wiley, Hoboken,...

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