Take the 2025 AIChE Salary Survey Now!
CEP is pleased to announce that the 2025 AIChE Salary Survey is now live until the end of February. The highly anticipated biennial survey aims to provide a detailed snapshot of the current chemical engineering job landscape and how it is evolving, revealing the latest trends and insights that will empower working chemical engineers to make informed decisions about salaries, benefits, and career development.
This edition of the Salary Survey will take a deep dive into lifestyle expectations. Survey results will investigate whether current salaries are enough to cover basic costs of living and the lifestyle habits and activities of the average chemical engineer. In addition, the survey will examine the ripple effects of layoffs across industries and their influence on the chemical engineering job market.
Past results. The 2023 AIChE Salary Survey revealed that the overall median salary for chemical engineers was $150,000, an increase of 8.3% from the previous iteration conducted in 2021 (Figure 1). This upward trend is consistent with the overall positive trajectory observed in previous Salary Surveys, indicating a strong and growing demand for chemical engineering professionals. New graduates...
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