Letters: February 2025 | AIChE

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Letters: February 2025

A perspective on Bhopal before the tragedy

Dear Editor,

I read your excellent articles on the Bhopal tragedy (“The Bhopal Gas Tragedy — Parts I–III,” Sept., Nov., and Dec. 2024) and was tempted to respond but decided not to until I read the letter to the editor in the January edition of CEP. I was a Peace Corps volunteer in India stationed for two years in Bhopal (1969–1971). I knew nothing about electrical classification at that time. I was a young chemical engineer with one year’s experience.

I actually started up a successful company — making aluminum roof coating and other coatings — for an Indian man I became friendly with. I have included three pictures (below), which I will explain shortly. I was very familiar with the Union Carbide plant. The man I was working with knew the plant manager and we visited the plant frequently. At that time, it was just a blending of fertilizer materials, as I...

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