Large language models (LLMs) — the machine learning models that are behind systems such as ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude — are often criticized for lacking proper “understanding” and the ability to “reason” with their data. They are seen as stochastic, autocomplete engines. In the March AIChE Journal Perspective article, “Do large language models ‘understand’ their knowledge?”, Venkat Venkatasubramanian calls for a more nuanced understanding of what it means for these models to understand and reason with the knowledge they process.
He proposes that LLMs do develop an animal-like empirical understanding of their domain, which is adequate for some applications. However, this representation is usually constructed from incomplete and noisy data and, therefore, lacks robustness, generalization, and explanatory power, which are critical to applications in science and engineering.
He explores the fundamental differences between algebraic and geometric representations in understanding and solving problems. He compares them to numbering systems like Indo-Arabic and Roman numerals to emphasize how the choice of representation can simplify or complicate problem-solving.
Using the Hindu...
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