Emerging Voices: Slowing the Spread of Fires with Flame Retardants | AIChE

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Emerging Voices: Slowing the Spread of Fires with Flame Retardants

Emerging Voices

As a resident of Southern California, I have always been acutely aware of the looming threat of wildfires, especially in the presence of the Santa Ana winds. These strong, dry winds, accompanied by low humidities in the region, create ideal conditions for the rapid spread of fires. The destructive wildfires in Los Angeles in January this year underscore the importance of early preventive fire safety measures, especially flame retardants, in protecting our communities and mitigating potential losses before a wildfire can even occur.

What are flame retardants? Commonly associated with the spray foams used by firefighters, fire retardants help stop or slow down the spread of a fire. On the other hand, flame retardants are a class of chemical compounds frequently used in consumer products that prevent or delay the ignition and spread of a fire (Figure 1). As the effects of climate change become more pronounced and wildfires become more common, flame-retardant coatings and materials of construction have emerged as critical for safeguarding lives and property...

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