On Demand Conference Presentations | AIChE

On Demand Conference Presentations

Nuscale Power Corporation Small Modular Reactor (SMR) Technology

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
March 28, 2024
NuScale Power Corporation is a small modular reactor (SMR) technology company established in 2007 of which Fluor Corporation became the lead investor...

Improved Refinery Processing Strategies

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
March 27, 2024
At SwRI, we have integrated teams working on all facets of renewable petrochemicals and related infrastructure developed for real-world fuel...

Role of Impurities in Transportation for Energy Systems and Their By-Products

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
March 27, 2024
Every energy system has its own side effects and their by-products. Disposal of by-products and carrying energy becomes extremely important from a...

Transportation Risks and Their Mitigation Methods for Energy Transition Molecules Such As CO2, NH3, and H2

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
March 27, 2024
There are various molecules of interest in energy transition. These molecules are, potentially, carbon dioxide (CO2), ammonia (NH3), hydrogen (H2),...

Accelerating the Engineering of Sustainable Processes through the Next Generation of Process Simulation

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
March 27, 2024
Globally the process industries are facing imperatives to address environmental changes caused by chemical process manufacturing. We are promoting...

Ammonia As a Liquid Hydrogen Carrier: Ab Initio Multiscale Catalytic Synthesis/Cracking Reaction Modelling

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
March 27, 2024
Introduction Ammonia is gaining recognition as a carbon-free fuel for energy-intensive applications, particularly transportation, industry, and power...

SAF from Waste and Biomass: Process Simulation and Design of the Second Gasifier and Syngas Cooler for Low Pressure Gasifiers

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
March 27, 2024
The world's first commercial plant to produce sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) from municipal solid waste (MSW) began operations in 2022 , in the US...

Quantifying Sustainability Impacts of Post Combustion Carbon Capture Using Process Simulation

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
March 27, 2024
The International Energy Agency sees carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) as a key route for decarbonization in the energy transition...

A Refinery Perspective on Decarbonizing with Marine Biofuels

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
March 27, 2024
This work seeks to understand what biofuel production pathways a refinery might prefer to produce very-low sulfur fuel oil (VLSFO) for marine...

SES Design: A System-Centric Approach to Decarbonizing Industrial Energy Systems

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
March 27, 2024
This work introduces an innovative software tool designed to facilitate the sustainable transformation of energy systems within the process industry...

Horses for Courses: Matching Modeling Techniques for Varying Aspects of Energy Transition Solutions

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
March 27, 2024
Energy transition is an urgent but delicate topic requiring balancing of many engineering, business and social factors, at times some of which are...

Policy Perspective: The Resounding Impact of the Inflation Reduction Act on Deployment of Climate Technology and the Global Response to Its Economic Influence

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
March 27, 2024
As concerns surrounding climate change increase and widespread embracement of technology as a solution to the issue grows, greenhouse gas emissions-...

Decarbonizing ASEAN By 2050: From the Lens of a Hydrogen Economy

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
March 27, 2024
Decarbonizing ASEAN is a challenge due to its heavy reliance on fossil fuels and rapidly growing energy demand. Hydrogen is widely believed to be a...

Smart and Multifunctional Tubacoat Technology for CAPEX and OPEX Reduction, Decarbonization and Biofuels Production in Refining and Petrochemical Applications,

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
March 26, 2024
TUBACOAT is a unique disruptive proven technology for refining, chemical and petrochemical critical applications processing difficult feedstock...

Integration of Rotodynamic Reactor (RDR) into Existing Steam Crackers

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
March 26, 2024
Coolbrook is a Finnish-Dutch-British technology and engineering company on a mission to de-carbonize major industrial sectors such as petrochemicals...

Development, Installation, and Operation of a Chemical Looping Pilot Plant for Super-Dry Reforming of Methane

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
March 26, 2024
Super-dry reforming of methane (1) has been developed at the Laboratory for Chemical Technology (LCT) at Ghent University as a sustainable chemical...
