Supporting the Future of Chemical Engineering at the AIChE Annual Meeting
Hear from recipients of travel grants to find out how attending the AIChE Annual Meeting helped their research and careers.
Hear from recipients of travel grants to find out how attending the AIChE Annual Meeting helped their research and careers.
Check out highlights and photos from the 2024 Annual Meeting.
Four co-located conferences provided detailed looks at fast-moving areas, including food engineering, translational medicine, cell therapy and immunotherapy, and data analysis.
Follow along with the Annual Meeting and Annual Student Conference on social media, whether you're joining us in San Diego or keeping up from wherever you are.
Siari is hoping to help get more chemical engineers on an entrepreneurial path so they can turn ideas into products and services.
Yin is being recognized for his service to society exhibited through leadership, championing AIChE diversity groups, and leading student STEM outreach in his local community.
Get tips on how to prepare a winning poster for AIChE’s Meet the Industry and Faculty Candidate Sessions.
Hear from David Block, a professor at Univ. of California, Davis, in the Dept. of Viticulture and Enology and the director of the Integrative Center for Alternative Meat and Protein.
Dr. Rawlings is being honored for groundbreaking research in the theory and application of model predictive control, and for leadership in education.
AIChE’s Regenerative Engineering (RE) Society has chosen Robert S. Langer (MIT) as recipient of its Cato T. Laurencin Regenerative Engineering Society Founder’s Award.
In celebration of its first 20 years, SBE will host an awards ceremony and reception October 29 at the AIChE Annual Meeting in San Diego.
Walton is being honored for groundbreaking research on the understanding and control of hydrolytic and chemical stability of metal-organic frameworks, and for its transformative impact on industrial gas.
Burcham is being recognized for his contributions to the fields of crystallization, particle engineering, and process control strategies; and for bringing new therapies to market.
Dr. Jamal is being recognized for his contributions to industrial-academia partnership and technical research in the field of carbon capture and conversion to sustainable fuels and chemicals.
Get a preview of what's in store next month at the 2024 AIChE Annual Meeting and Annual Student Conference in San Diego.
Alper's lecture will discuss how advances in metabolic engineering and synthetic biology are improving the valorization and remediation of waste.
Lead process researcher Jun Shi talks about her work on ExxonMobil’s direct air capture pilot and looks at what’s ahead for DAC and other solutions that address climate change.
The award recognizes his novel approaches and transformative insights into the thermodynamics, structure, and dynamics in complex mixtures, especially electrolyte solutions, colloidal crystals, and intrinsically disordered proteins.
Venkat is being honored for pioneering contributions in AI for process fault diagnosis, supervisory control, process safety, and the inverse design of materials.
The new awards recognize exceptional contributions to safety practices in the hydrogen industry.
Ali is being recognized for his work with micro- and nano-engineered biomaterials in regenerative medicine, medical devices, and organs-on-a-chip systems.
Voting is now open, so cast your ballot either electronically or on paper to play a role in shaping AIChE’s future.
Join us as we chart a course for the chemical engineering profession’s future at the 2024 AIChE Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA, Oct. 27–31, and the Annual Student Conference Oct. 25–28.
Diao is being recognized for work that fuses molecular assembly with surface science, as well as for innovations in scalable printing methods for nanomaterials.
Use your creativity and passion for chemical engineering to inspire the next generation of chemical engineers.
Dr. Gintaras “Rex” Reklaitis has amassed an expansive legacy through his research, writing, professional affiliations, and as a teacher and mentor.
The award is open to AIChE members, including professionals from academia, industry, and students.
AIChE’s Nominating Committee has announced the slate of candidates for president-elect, secretary, and four director positions for the 2025 AIChE Board.
Grossmann will discuss his application of models and algorithms in the optimal synthesis and planning of sustainable chemical process and energy systems.
Calling all early-career creative researchers and engineering entrepreneurs! Learn more about potentially career-changing $100K research grants and an impressive network of recipients.
On November 5th around 100 attendees, including K–12 students, their parents, and educators gathered at the 2023 AIChE Annual Meeting to participate in the K–12 STEM Showcase.
Ten initial endowments will support innovative research in a variety of disciplines that will advance chemical engineering. Four of these endowments will be introduced at the Annual Meeting.
Connect to other attendees through social media while at the 2023 Annual Meeting and Annual Student Conference in Orlando, or follow along from home or work.
Check out the many upcoming events taking place to build and support the many communities that exist within AIChE and the chemical engineering profession.
Learn how we can work towards a circular economy in our professional lives. This session will especially appeal to those of us interested in bioenergy, biofuels, and bioproducts.
Hear how this year’s IDEAL Featured Session can benefit the greater chemical engineering community and find out why it’s important for you to join us at the session in Orlando.
Check out these student videos for a preview of the cars competing in the 2023 Annual Chem-E-Car Competition® in Orlando on November 5.
Kevrekidis is being recognized for transformative contributions to chemical engineering modeling, integrating physical insight with data-driven/machine learning approaches, and modern scientific computation for complex, multiscale systems.
Mikos is being honored for his leadership in the science and practice of convergence research as applied to regenerative engineering and medicine.
Datta is being honored for outstanding contributions to chemical engineering through publications on the physicochemical dynamics of flow instabilities, swellable and shrinkable gels, and living systems in complex porous environments.
Dr. Reimer is being recognized for outstanding contributions to chemical engineering education as well as excellence in research.
Koffas is being recognized for his pioneering work on microbial platforms that can produce natural products typically derived from animal and plant sources.
Wang is being recognized for her significant contributions to the coatings industry.
Stephanopoulos will receive the 2023 James E. Bailey Award and Zhao will receive the 2023 D.I.C. Wang Award, with each delivering accompanying lectures at this year’s AIChE Annual Meeting.
The Prime RO Team is being recognized for developing five families of the world’s most energy-efficient reverse osmosis membranes and elements that will reduce global CO2 equivalent emissions by 85,000 tons per year.
Dever is being recognized for scale-ups and commercialization of ethylene oxide and acrylic acid process technologies, as well as for doubling the growth of the Mid-Atlantic Technology and Innovation Center.
Jones is being honored for the design of adsorptive materials and processes for the capture and purification of gases, including diverse industrial gases and ground-breaking contributions to carbon dioxide capture from air.
Alper is being recognized for pioneering contributions in the fields of synthetic biology and metabolic engineering, and for profoundly impacting the field of industrial biotechnology.
LatinX in Chemical Engineering is finalizing programming for the 2023 AIChE Annual Meeting and warmly welcomes its varied members to join in and meet the rest of the family in Orlando this fall.
Ranga Godavarti is being recognized for for outstanding leadership of pharmaceutical development, including development of the COVID vaccine.
Harold is being recognized for the synthesis, analysis, and development of novel multifunctional reactors and catalysts for reduced emissions, intensified and safer operation, and higher desired product selectivity.
Voting by paper and electronic proxy ballot begins September 11 and ends October 16.
Curtis is being honored for pioneering work in particle technology as well as for international leadership in education, diversity, and inclusivity in the engineering profession.
Dr. Seider is being recognized for his pioneering contributions in chemical engineering research and education spanning six decades.
The 2023 AIChE Annual Meeting and Annual Student Conference in Orlando will include enhanced security and inclusion measures. See updates in this letter from CEO & Executive Director Darlene Schuster.
This year’s ChemE Cube Competition finalists will compete on November 6 at the Annual Student Conference in Orlando, FL.
Want to improve your communication and leadership skills? Get experience presenting your thesis and make new connections with other chemical engineers with the 3MT® Competition.
Do you know a chemical engineering standout who's 35 or younger? Send us your nominations to recognize the best and brightest in chemical engineering's next generation.
Act now to meet the approaching deadline for the 2023 Langer Prize as well as for the Institute and Board of Directors' Awards.
Stay informed, see what others are doing, and share your thoughts and photos at the 2022 Annual Meeting and Annual Student Conference.
In addition to regular programming, this year’s Annual Meeting and Annual Student Conference will feature events that showcase AIChE’s efforts towards equity, diversity, and inclusion, and the IDEAL Path.
The report looks at where chemical engineers are making advances, including energy and decarbonization, environmental sustainability, medicine, flexible manufacturing and the circular economy, materials, enabling tools, and education.
Savage is being recognized for innovation and leadership in advancing the fields of hydrothermal kinetics, catalysis, and reaction engineering for renewable energy and green chemistry applications.
L.-S. Fan is being honored for his multifaceted chemical engineering education contributions, which include outstanding teaching, superior textbooks, student and faculty mentoring, and outreach leadership to diverse groups, the general public, and K-12 students.
Hebrink is being honored for his technical leadership and for developing and supporting technology that has resulted in significant energy savings and increased sustainability.
How do grad students hone their elevator speech? The Three Minute Thesis Competition! Join us to learn how to present your work effectively to any audience.
Student teams and their 1-cubic-foot plant designs will battle it out this November in Phoenix. Learn more here and sign up before March 31 to join the competition.
Kunjapur and his research group at the University of Delaware are designing innovative biomolecular technologies to address a variety of societal needs.
Three AIChE members were honored for their efforts to bring about better understanding and awareness of diversity, inclusion, and equity issues among chemical engineers.
Dr. Yan is being recognized for sustained excellence and breakthrough contributions to electrochemical reaction engineering and electrocatalysis.
If you’re interested in EDI events, check out the wide variety of options in Boston.
In Boston or simply joining us from home, school, or office? Stay connected with online updates, photos, and more through social media.
Hear from Ashely about details of the upcoming AIChE STEM Outreach Competition and Showcase, and learn what makes a winning entry and what’s expected of participants.
Dr. Prather is being honored for outstanding contributions to the design, assembly, and enhancement of biological pathways, and for engineering microbial strains for the production of biochemical compounds.
Dr. Paul is being honored as an industrial technical leader who excels at the intersection of product innovation and fundamental polymer science to create products for a more sustainable future.
Dr. Ellis is being honored for groundbreaking polymerization research and for technical leadership resulting in sustainable industrial production of differentiated materials that have enabled multiple businesses and that have ultimately enhanced lives globally.
Dr. Shankar is being recognized for his contributions to industry-academia partnership and technical research in direct air capture and carbon utilization pathways to fuels and chemicals.
Dr. Bao is being honored “for her pioneering work and leadership in the development of organic electronic materials and their applications to skin-inspired electronics.”
See some of this year’s AIChE Annual Meeting highlights, and get links to find the information you need most, whether you're attending in-person or virtually.
Chakraborty will deliver a lecture titled "Viruses, Immunity, and Vaccines,” on Wednesday, November 10, at the 2021 AIChE Annual Meeting in Boston.