Education | AIChE


AIChE offers a variety of continuing education options for chemical engineers and their colleagues, including a variety of online courses offered through the eLearning Center and developed by renowned engineers and other experts. In addition, AIChE offers in-person, classroom-style courses on chemical engineering essentials and specialty fields.

Browse by topic and course type.

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RAPID's A Day in the Life of a Process Technology

eLearning (online) Course
In this course, you will experience what it's like to be a process operator in a petrochemical facility. Throughout the course, you will explore the...

RAPID's Basic Process Technology for Operators

eLearning (online) Course
This online course introduces new petrochemical employees to some of the basic process technologies that they will encounter throughout their career...

RAPID's Facility Safety for Process Technology Operators

eLearning (online) Course
This online course introduces new petrochemical employees to many different aspects of process safety. New employees are not aware of common...

RAPID's Process Technology Troubleshooting for Operators

eLearning (online) Course
This online course introduces new petrochemical employees to troubleshooting. The CPI (Chemical Process Industries) employes much complex technology...

RAPID's Understanding PIDs and Other Facility Diagrams and Drawing

eLearning (online) Course
This online course introduces new petrochemical employees to the wide array of drawings used throughout industry. Many new employees starting their...

Recognizing Catastrophic Incident Warning Signs

Face-to-Face Course
Do you understand why you are having process safety incidents and what to do to prevent them and minimize their impact? What if you could predict if...

Risk Analysis Screening Tool (RAST)

Face-to-Face Course
The Risk Analysis Screening Tool (RAST) is designed for those performing a Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis (HIRA) on incident scenarios, an...

Risk-Based Process Safety Decision-Making for All Engineers

eLearning (online) Course
Risk is a common thread that runs throughout all engineering disciplines. From concept to design, installation to operation, and decommissioning,...

Roadmap to Process Safety Excellence on the Front Line

Face-to-Face Course
Operational Excellence (OE) is a difficult never-ending journey of continual improvement and a key goal for the global Chemical Process Industry (CPI...

SAChE® - An Introduction to Managing Process Safety Hazards

eLearning (online) Course
Process safety is a vital part of everyday operations in chemical engineering. This course explains how a system of process safety management can...

SAChE® - An Introduction to Process Safety

eLearning (online) Course
This course provides an introduction to process safety at the undergraduate level so that the chemical engineering student gains an understanding of...

SAChE® - Chemical Process Safety in the Chemical Process Industries

eLearning (online) Course
See chemical process safety applied in a real chemical facility. A great way for beginners to learn key concepts or a solid refresher for veterans.

SAChE® - Chemical Reactivity Hazards

eLearning (online) Course
Today’s chemical engineers must be able to spot potential hazards for uncontrolled chemical reactions. In this intermediate course, students will...

SAChE® - Common Chemicals and Their Major Hazards

eLearning (online) Course
It is important for those working in the chemical industry to have a general appreciation of the hazards associated with various materials. This...

SAChE® - Comprensión de los peligros y los riesgos

eLearning (online) Course
Comprender los peligros y riesgos Diseñado para estudiantes del último y penúltimo año de Ingeniería Química, este curso explora los aspectos más...

SAChE® - Explosion Hazards

eLearning (online) Course
This course provides chemical engineering students with a basic understanding of explosion hazards associated with materials commonly found in...

SAChE® - Facility Siting

eLearning (online) Course
This is an introductory course designed to introduce the student to Facility Siting concepts that are used to evaluate process safety risks...

SAChE® - Fire Hazards

eLearning (online) Course
Uncontrolled fire can have devastating consequences in an industrial setting. Thus, anyone working in a process industry should be aware of potential...

SAChE® - Hazard Recognition

eLearning (online) Course
Knowing what to do in chemical engineering starts with recognizing hazards. This introductory course will expand students’ knowledge of hazards found...

SAChE® - Hazards and Risk: What Can Go Wrong?

eLearning (online) Course
In chemical processing, understanding how adverse incidents can arise is an essential component of effective process safety management. This...

SAChE® - Hazards and Risk: Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis

eLearning (online) Course
The hazards of a process, such as the inherent reactivity, flammability, and toxicity of the materials used in the process, must be evaluated and...

SAChE® - Hazards and Risk: Introduction to Pressure Protection

eLearning (online) Course
Pressure that gets out of control has been the cause of many of the most devastating incidents in the history of chemical processing. The science of...

SAChE® - Hazards and Risk: Safeguards Other Than Relief Systems

eLearning (online) Course
Safeguards are at the heart of managing hazards and risk. They prevent or mitigate loss events such as fires, explosions and toxic releases...

SAChE® - Identificación y minimización de peligros en la seguridad de procesos

eLearning (online) Course
Identificación y minimización de peligros en la seguridad de procesos Cuando se trabaja con materiales potencialmente peligrosos, es importante...

SAChE® - Identifying & Minimizing Process Safety Hazards

eLearning (online) Course
When working with potentially hazardous materials, it’s important to have the right tools to handle them. This introductory course reviews the tools...

SAChE® - Inherently Safer Design

eLearning (online) Course
Inherently Safer Design (ISD) takes a proactive approach to process safety, aiming to prevent hazards from entering manufacturing processes rather...

SAChE® - Introducción de como manejar peligros en la seguridad de procesos

eLearning (online) Course
Introducción a la gestión de los peligros de la seguridad de los procesos La seguridad de los procesos es una parte vital de las operaciones diarias...

SAChE® - Lab Safety

eLearning (online) Course
Laboratory safety is important for anyone working in a laboratory. This course will introduce you to laboratory safety and provides the content...

SAChE® - Managing Lab Process Safety 1

eLearning (online) Course
This course presents a framework for managing process safety in the laboratory, building upon the concepts in ELA954 - Laboratory Safety . ELA982 is...

SAChE® - Managing Lab Process Safety 2

eLearning (online) Course
This course presents a framework for managing process safety in the laboratory, building upon the concepts in ELA954 - Laboratory Safety . ELA986 is...

SAChE® - Peligros de Reactividad Química

eLearning (online) Course
Los ingenieros químicos de hoy en día deben estar capacitados para detectar los peligros potencialesen las reacciones químicas no controladas. En...

SAChE® - Peligros del Incendio

eLearning (online) Course
El fuego sin control puede tener consecuencias devastadoras en un entorno industrial. Por lo tanto, cualquier persona que trabaje en una industria de...

SAChE® - Process Safety Lessons Taught from Experience

eLearning (online) Course
From Bhopal to Seveso, learn from important case histories related to process safety.

SAChE® - Risk Based Process Safety - Manage Risk: Operations

eLearning (online) Course
The Risk Based Process Safety Management System has several management elements that target a facility’s performance in controlling identified risks...

SAChE® - Risk Review Using LOPA (Layer of Protection Analysis)

eLearning (online) Course
This course is designed to introduce the chemical engineering student to Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA), a simplified, semi-qualitative risk...

SAChE® - Runaway Reactions

eLearning (online) Course
What you need to do and when to control and contain chemical reactions. An excellent introduction or refresher for anyone who handles chemicals.

SAChE® - Source Models

eLearning (online) Course
When working in chemical plants, failures of equipment will result in releases of toxic, flammable and explosive materials. This course introduces...

SAChE® - The Role of Inert Gases in Process Safety

eLearning (online) Course
Inerting of equipment can be an effective way of preventing fires and explosions. However, inert gases have a number of associated physical, chemical...

SAChE® - Toxicological Hazards

eLearning (online) Course
Toxicology is the quantitative and qualitative study of the effects of toxicants on biological organisms. This intermediate course explains key...

SAChE® - Understanding Hazards & Risk

eLearning (online) Course
Designed for juniors and seniors who are enrolled in upper-level chemical engineering classes, this course explores the most technical of the four...

SAChE® – Aspectos Básicos de la Seguridad de Laboratorios

eLearning (online) Course
Este curso proporciona una revisión completa de seguridad en laboratorios que manejan químicos peligrosos. Cubre el uso seguro de equipos de...

SAChE® – Atmospheric Dispersion

eLearning (online) Course
Students will learn the usefulness of the atmospheric dispersion models, and critical factors that influence the calculations. These may include wind...

SAChE® – Damage Mechanisms: Asset Integrity and Reliability

eLearning (online) Course
This level 3 course will provide undergraduate students an introduction to Damage Mechanisms, Asset Integrity, and Reliability concepts which are not...

SAChE® – Dust Explosions

eLearning (online) Course
This course will introduce the student to combustible dust and its hazards. Several case studies are presented, details on dust recognition, factors...

SAChE® – el Rol de Nitrógeno en Seguridad

eLearning (online) Course
Este certificado Sache se enfoca en nitrógeno, un elemento básico de la industria química. Debido a que es un gas inerte, el nitrógeno es adecuado...

SAChE® – Hazards and Risk: Introduction to Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis

eLearning (online) Course
The student will learn methods of identifying hazards of a process, such as inherent reactivity, flammability, and toxicity of raw materials,...

SAChE® – Human Factors

eLearning (online) Course
You understand engineering – do you understand humans? This course will provide students with an introduction to human factors, increase their...

SAChE® – O papel do Nitrogênio em Segurança

eLearning (online) Course
Este Certificado em Segurança de Processos SAChE se concentra em nitrogênio o qual é um ponto de atenção da indústria química. Por se tratar de um...

SAChE® – Practical Process Safety 1

eLearning (online) Course
This course if the first of two courses on the topic of practical process safety. The second course is ELA987. The focus of these two courses is on...

SAChE® – Practical Process Safety 2

eLearning (online) Course
This course builds off of ELA985, Practical Process Safety 1. In Students will gain an appreciation that an affective process safety management...

SAChE® – Process Safety Ethics – A Brief Introduction

eLearning (online) Course
Students will learn about the AIChE Code of Ethics and how it aligns with the engineer’s creed to do no harm. This brief “introduction to ethics”...

SAChE® – RBPS Learn From Experience

eLearning (online) Course
This course introduced the student to the foundational block “Learn from Experience” of the CCPS Risk Based Process Safety System. The four-risk...

SAChE® – RBPS Manage Risk: Asset Integrity

eLearning (online) Course
To operate safely, a chemical processing facility must contain and control hazardous materials and energies throughout the entire lifetime of the...

SAChE® – Reacciones fuera de control

eLearning (online) Course
Antes de que pueda manejar las reacciones químicas de forma segura, primero hay que entenderlas. En este curso, podrás identificar posibles...

SAChE® – Reactor Runaway and Overpressure Protection

eLearning (online) Course
This course covers the process safety hazards associated with runaway chemical reactions. Runaway reaction incidents are introduced to explore the...

SAChE® – Reconocimiento de Peligros

eLearning (online) Course
Saber qué hacer en ingeniería química comienza con el reconocimiento de peligros. Este curso introductorio ampliará el conocimiento de los...

SAChE® – Risk Based Process Safety - Commit to Process Safety

eLearning (online) Course
This course will introduce students to the group of management elements residing in the “Commit to Process Safety” block of the CCPS Risk Based...

SAChE® – Risk Based Process Safety - Manage Risk: Training and Procedures

eLearning (online) Course
Chemical processes are prevalent in colleges, universities, research and design as well as industry. These process are instrumental to learning, and...

SAChE® 证书课程–氮在过程安全的作用

eLearning (online) Course


eLearning (online) Course


eLearning (online) Course
当使用潜在的危险物质时,有正确合适的工具来处理它们是很重要的。本入门课程回顾了学生需要熟悉的工具,以识别、最小化和管理过程中的危险。学生将仔细探索“本质上更安全的设计”的含义,并学习了解后果和风险。此外,本课程通过引入事故起因和事故案例,与实际生产相结合。 了解有关SAChE文凭课程的更多信息。

SAChE®证书课程 - 过程安全危害管理简介

eLearning (online) Course
过程安全是化学工程日常运作的重要组成部分. 本课程解释了过程安全管理体系如何减少过程危害的潜在影响. 学生将被引入由化工过程安全中心(CCPS)开发的基于风险的过程安全管理系统,这是该领域的世界标准。本课程介绍过并比较过程安全与人身安全,并讨论导致当今过程安全法规的历史事件。...

Safety Considerations for Hydrogen Facility Design and Construction

eLearning (online) Course
This course provides guidance for design and construction of facilities with hydrogen systems including layout, ventilation, electrical, leak...

Safety Considerations for Hydrogen System Components

eLearning (online) Course
This course provides guidance for design of hydrogen system components including gas storage vessels, compressors, piping and relief devices.

Safety Considerations for Liquid Hydrogen Systems

eLearning (online) Course
This course provides additional guidance for design of liquid hydrogen systems including selection of materials, liquid storage tanks, piping and...

Safety Planning for Hydrogen Projects

eLearning (online) Course
This course emphasizes the need for organizations to develop and maintain a safety plan and describes the attributes of a good safety plan that...

Senior Leaders and Process Safety: The Role and The Opportunity

Face-to-Face Course
You are an Executive or Senior Manager. Your company has made major investments into Process Safety systems such as Management of Change, Risk...

Six Sigma: A Practical Overview

eLearning (online) Course
Six Sigma is successfully practiced throughout the chemical engineering industry for improvement, organization and problem-solving. In this course,...

Spreadsheet Problem-Solving and VBA Programming Combo Course

Face-to-Face Course
Take advantage of a three-day immersion into Spreadsheet Problem Solving and Excel VBA Programming specifically covering chemical engineering...

Spreadsheet Problem-Solving for Chemical Engineers

eLearning (online) Course
A basic course tailored specifically to chemical engineers. Improve your productivity while solving day-to-day ChemE problems.

Spreadsheet Problem-Solving for Chemical Engineers

Face-to-Face Course
This course provides a comprehensive, hands-on overview of spreadsheet applications, focused on the needs of chemical engineers.

Statistical Quality Control Charts

eLearning (online) Course
Improve quality control of your processes and save time and money by avoiding unnecessary operational changes. This eLearning course will equip you...

Strategies for Computer-Aided Process Intensification

Instructor-led Virtual Course
Future in-person instances of this course will be available to all. Please stay tuned for future course information. Process Intensification (PI) and...

SuperChems™ for DIERS Software User Training

Face-to-Face Course
This course is designed to enable learners who want to use the DIERS software to determine emergency vent sizing to relief pressure in vessels by...

Supply and Value Chain Management for Engineers

eLearning (online) Course
Develop the basic understanding of supply and value chain management you need to build the customer and supplier relationships that are key to...

The Hydrogen Economy Program

Instructor-led Virtual Course
This micro-credentialing program, presented in collaboration with the University of Houston, delivers a multi-disciplinary understanding of...

The Hydrogen Economy Program Bundle (3 Badges)

Instructor-led Virtual Course
Registration dates will be posted soon. Program Duration: Will be posted soon Learn more from our Informational Webinar Discover in depth about The...

The Hydrogen Economy Program: Badge 1 - Hydrogen Production

Instructor-led Virtual Course
Registration dates will be posted soon. Program Duration: Will be posted soon Learn more from our Informational Webinar Discover in depth about The...

The Hydrogen Economy Program: Badge 2 - Hydrogen Transportation, Safety & Use

Instructor-led Virtual Course
Registration dates will be posted soon. Program Duration: Will be posted soon Learn more from our Informational Webinar Discover in depth about The...

The Hydrogen Economy Program: Badge 3 - Commercial Opportunity for Hydrogen

Instructor-led Virtual Course
Registration dates will be posted soon. Program Duration: Will be posted soon Learn more from our Informational Webinar Discover in depth about The...

The Importance of Codes and Standards for Process Safety

eLearning (online) Course
Compliance with the Process Safety Management rule, OSHA 1910.119, is a requirement for any plant processing highly hazardous materials exceeding...

The Keys to Managing a Capital Project Successfully

Face-to-Face Course
Gain strategies for detail planning, monitoring and controlling a capital project.

The Three Keys to Managing a Project Successfully

Face-to-Face Course
Projects come with many moving parts, unknown variables—and landmines. No project manager has a crystal ball to predict and manage the risk ahead...

Transport of Hydrogen Fuel

eLearning (online) Course
This 3rd video course is part of the Hydrogen Safety microlearning series aimed at providing an "awareness level" overview of hydrogen for fire, law...

Two Basic Project Management Techniques Every Project Needs

eLearning (online) Course
Thank you for your interest in this course. Unfortunately this course is temporarily unavailable due to a course update. Thank you for your patience...

University of Miami Aerosol Science & Technology Workshop

Face-to-Face Course
Register University of Miami Workshop on Aerosol Science and Technology The Center for Aerosol Science and Technology at the University of Miami is...

Value Propositions for Your Chemical Process Project

eLearning (online) Course
Your project proposals must capture and quantify the multiple benefits of operational or technology improvements if you’re to avoid costly project...

Water Electrolysis Safety

eLearning (online) Course
This online Water Electrolysis Safety course equips participants with essential safety knowledge for electrolyzer equipment. The curriculum addresses...

What Every New Engineer Needs to Know about Process Safety

eLearning (online) Course
Gain a broad overview of what process safety is, why it is important and its applications in the process industries

Why should you be an anti-racist?

eLearning (online) Course
Learn how to address racism and bias in academia and other life situations. Recent events in the news have many of us growing increasingly more...


eLearning (online) Course
